Tariq Holloway

Account Executive

Oakland, CA

Tariq is a strong salesperson that has worked at Yelp and Nelson Staffing both of which are high outbound businesses for almost 13 years! He has a strong process and has even worked as a business development manager where he was responsible for building face to face relationships with key individuals to bring in business.

Previously worked at:

Yelp, Nelson Staffing

How I can help:

Get more leads, Manage Full Sales-cycle

Average deal size:

$10,000 to $50,000
$50,000 - $100,000

Companies sold to:

Small Business (less than 100 employees)
Mid Size Companies (101 - 1000 employees)

Titles sold to

HR Buyers (CHRO, VP HR, Manager HR etc.)
Technology Buyers (CIO, CTO, VP IT etc.)