Sales Hiring

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring an SDR or BDR for Your Startup

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Hiring plays a crucial role in any business's success. Taking the time for strategic recruitment pays off through valuable contributions from new teammates. 

As your company expands its sales efforts, securing a talented Sales Development Representative (SDR) becomes increasingly important. This guide provides helpful insights into selecting the right SDR applicant. 

The process involves several necessary steps to find the best fit. It's worthwhile evaluating qualifications thoroughly while also relying on instinct. Prioritizing traits like motivation, communication skills and passion for the product can make all the difference. 

Remember - an SDR's performance directly impacts revenue growth. So, choose wisely to nurture business relationships and sales opportunities in turn. 

Let's explore how to bring a top-performing SDR on board!

Sales Development Representative - An Overview

Every successful sales team needs a solid foundation to build upon. That's where a Sales Development Representative, or SDR, plays a pivotal role. 

An SDR is the initial connection between a company's products and services and potential customers. Their primary responsibility is to conduct lead-generation activities through marketing outreach, website inquiries, and phone calls. 

The goal is to qualify leads and pass the most promising ones to sales representatives. SDRs are the front-line crew who work relentlessly to fill the sales team's pipeline. They ensure a steady flow of quality prospects that sales can convert into solid deals. 

An SDR's persistent prospecting efforts can significantly sustain the sales cycle. Let's explore how to recruit the ideal candidate to maximize your revenue pipeline.

Qualities to Look For in a Stellar SDR

When hiring an exceptional Sales Development Representative (SDR), there are several qualities to look for. These qualities ensure they are well-suited for the role and have the potential to excel. Some essential qualities to consider are:

Strong communication skills

A top SDR interacts with numerous contacts daily, so solid communication abilities are paramount. They must concisely convey your company's message to various personality types. Evaluating how candidates present, ask questions, and manage discussions will reveal their communication strengths.

Resilience and persistence

Rejections are inevitable, so a persistent spirit is essential. Great SDRs stay motivated after dismissals and pick themselves back up. Their resilience maintains productive work rates. Identify applicants embracing challenges through optimism and gritty determination.

Proactive and self-motivated

The best prospect independently and take the initiative without oversight. They strategize the next steps and continuously advance business pipelines autonomously. Look for signs of entrepreneurial mindsets driven to excel proactively.

Strong work ethic

dedicated workhorses outperform others through hard work and follow-through. Filter is for a history of responsibility, dedication, and reliability. Ethical workers uphold commitments to succeed diligently through perseverance.

Adaptability and quick learning

Because SDR tasks evolve, adaptability serves them well. Identify profiles updating skills agilely to changes while picking new abilities up quickly. Flexible mastery learners keep outperforming long-term.

Active listening and empathy

Stellar SDRs gather customer perspectives compassionately. They make prospects feel understood through attentive listening. Evaluate for sensitivities, social conformity, and comprehension abilities during interactions.

Team player mentality

Collaboration enhances outcomes, so finding candidates who are culture-fitting as cooperators benefits everyone. Identify signs they bring positive, supportive, and synergistic attitudes to teams.

Results-oriented mindset

Data-driven SDRs emphasize measurable success. They focus tireless efforts on key performance drivers. Hardworking achievers drive results relentlessly through structured goal-setting, too.

Time management and organizational skills

Thriving SDRs handle heavy workloads skillfully through prioritization and multitasking. Unearth applicants were formerly praised for coordination, planning abilities, and deadline adherence.

Continuous learner

The best SDRs engage in perpetual self-improvement. They embrace challenges and growth areas enthusiastically as learners. Ambitious, wide-awake mentalities outperform over the long haul.

Challenges Faced by Recruiters in Hiring a Good SDR

Recruiters face several challenges when hiring a good Sales Development Representative (SDR). Some of these challenges include:

High competition

In the current market, many companies seek top-notch SDRs. This generates high competition as recruiters search. As demand rises, finding skilled applicants becomes tough. Others may lure candidates with higher pay, too. You must highlight the positives that set your role apart to attract standouts. Promote culture, growth potential, and impact of the work.

Limited pool of qualified candidates

Often, recruiters notice that more candidates need more experience is needed. Those requiring full training pose risks. Hiring inexperienced individuals adds workload. Meanwhile, veterans may demand higher fees. It would help if you spent time expanding search networks to find diamonds in the rough. Creative routes can surface hidden gems within the small pools available.

Retention issues

Once hired, retaining SDRs presents difficulties, too. They frequently leave for insignificant raises elsewhere. To prevent turnover:

  1. Offer compelling compensation and career paths.
  2. Make staff feel valued through perks, recognition programs, and development schemes.
  3. Foster strong cultures where SDRs want to stay longer term for fulfillment.
Lack of industry-specific knowledge

Newbies entering may need to grasp the nuances of your domain straightaway. Getting up to speed takes time as learning curves exist. You should find candidates excited to learn fast. Filter for adaptability, passion, and problem-solving minds. Pique interest during interviews through vivid problem descriptions within your industry.

Assessing soft skills

Evaluating prospective SDRs beyond technical specs matters immensely. Soft talents distinguish high performers from the rest. These intangibles aren’t easy to measure through resumes alone. You’ll need to assess interpersonal dimensions like communication, critical thinking under pressure, and relationship building through interactive interviews. 

Focusing only on past roles leaves undiscovered strengths unseen. Given the candidate's scenarios, let's observe how they’d respond. Additionally, carefully check references unveiling character details. Skill testing provides deeper insights into work styles and attitudes. Be thorough yet empathetic throughout, creating comfort so candidates exhibit true potential. 

Hiring demands discerning analyses of hard and soft dimensions in tandem to hire SDRs primed for sales success.

To overcome these challenges, recruiters can employ various strategies, such as:

  • Building a strong employer brand: By highlighting the company's culture, values, and career growth opportunities, recruiters can attract top talent and stand out from competitors.
  • Expanding the candidate pool: Recruiters can explore alternative sourcing methods, such as attending industry events, utilizing social media platforms, or partnering with educational institutions to tap into a broader range of potential candidates.
  • Implementing effective screening processes: Developing comprehensive interview questions and assessments can help recruiters identify candidates with the skills and traits required for success as an SDR.
  • Providing ongoing training and development: Continuing training programs can help bridge the gap between industry-specific knowledge and the skills needed for the role. This can increase the pool of potential candidates while ensuring long-term retention.
  • Utilizing technology: Leveraging applicant tracking systems and other recruitment software can streamline the hiring process, making it easier to manage large candidate pools and identify the most qualified individuals.

Also Check this out: Why Startups Are Embracing Fractional Sales Talent

How to Hire an SDR? Step-by-step Guide

To hire a Sales Development Representative (SDR), you can follow these steps:

Define job requirements

Defining the essential job requirements is a critical first step in the hiring process. A detailed job description allows your company and prospective candidates to understand what will be expected of the SDR role if hired. The description should include:

  • The core responsibilities and duties
  • Required qualifications and experience levels
  • Desired skills and traits
  • Performance metrics and goals
  • Any additional requirements

By outlining a thorough yet concise list of requirements upfront, your company and candidates can assess fit before expending time and resources on the rest of the hiring process.

Create an attractive job Description.

Creating a compelling job posting that will attract top SDR talent is essential. The description should concisely summarize the critical role highlights, responsibilities, and goals in a way that engages potential candidates and paints an appealing picture of the position. 

Be sure to include details that emphasize why someone would want the job, such as notable responsibilities, growth opportunities, perks, and career advancement potential. 

You also want to portray an accurate sense of your company's culture and values. An attractive job description that sells the position's best qualities is essential for generating a large pool of quality applicants.

Screen resumes

Thoroughly screening each received resume is a critical part of the hiring process. 

Take the time to carefully review each candidate's qualifications, skills, experiences, accomplishments, education, certifications, and other relevant details as communicated on their resume—note candidates whose materials align strongest with the predefined job requirements and screening criteria. 

Be open-minded during this process - some gems may have more understated backgrounds worth further consideration through supplemental application materials or an initial phone screen. Narrowing the pool based on resume screening helps focus your time and efforts on the most qualified possibilities.

Conduct initial interviews

The initial interview stage allows you to evaluate candidates further and get a well-rounded sense of fit before advancing them. 

These first meetings should focus on jointly assessing baseline qualification levels while providing opportunities to learn more about fit from both perspectives. 

Use structured interviews to gauge relevant experiences, skills, and qualifications about the job requirements. Also, strive to understand candidates' motivations, working styles, personality traits, and cultural compatibility through conversational discussions. 

Listen for enthusiasm and fit through their responses. Make a note of "red flag" issues and strengths demonstrated to determine whom to progress to subsequent stages.

Assess soft skills

Moving beyond hard technical skills, it is essential to consciously evaluate soft skills and intangible traits that differentiate average from stellar performers. 

During follow-up interviews, incorporate behavioral interview questions, case studies, and role-playing exercises to observe candidates in simulated work scenarios. This offers valuable insights into their problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and relationship-building abilities that take work to glean from resumes alone. 

References should also be checked at this stage to gain an outside perspective on a candidate's character, work ethic, learning agility, and teamwork attributes. A balanced evaluation of hard and soft skills provides the most precise picture of true potential and fit.

Evaluate cultural fit

Cultural fit should be significant when deciding which candidates to advance throughout the hiring process. 

During interviews, pay close attention to signs of how well each individual will integrate and thrive within your company's unique working environment, norms, and values. Look for compatibility with the established team, management style, and expectations. Candidates need both the technical skills as well as the cultural alignment to succeed in the long run. 

Those lacking fit in either area may become disengaged or underperform over time, negatively impacting your team and results. Ensuring culture compatibility upfront prevents costly turnover.

Role-play exercises

Hands-on role-play exercises allow candidates to demonstrate their prospective selling abilities upfront rather than just discussing past experiences. 

Develop hypothetical customer scenarios representative of typical SDR interactions and have candidates conduct prospecting calls or sales presentations as if in real-time. Observing their communication style, confidence, questions, objections handling, and closing approaches in a simulated environment offers valuable insights. 

You can assess innate talents that may be difficult to glean from an interview. Role-plays also allow candidates to showcase how they would think on their feet and represent your company when engaging prospects. The feedback and scores from these exercises help determine who is interview-ready from a skills perspective.

Make an offer

Once top candidates have been selected based on qualifications, cultural fit assessments, reference checks, and performance in role-play exercises, it's time to extend an offer. 

Discuss the specific offer details, including title, compensation package, start date, benefits, ongoing training, and expectations. Negotiating certain offer elements, such as salary, may be reasonable based on experience levels and market value. 

However, communicating non-negotiable terms, policies, and job requirements upfront prevents future issues. Welcoming the new hire on board with an official offer letter, a new starter guide, and a soon-to-come onboarding program sets the stage for success.

Onboarding and training

A structured onboarding process is critical for acclimating new hires and setting them up for long-term achievement in the SDR role. Provide organizational onboarding to introduce culture, policies, people, and systems. 

Also, supply product and sales process training delivered through guided role shadowing, educational materials, and competency testing. Establish a mentorship program pairing trainees with seasoned reps. 

Use the initial 30-60-90 day period for feedback, coaching, and ongoing support to build skills and confidence ramping up to individual performance. Setting SDRs up for success early maintains motivation and prevents costly new hire losses.

Also Check this out: 5 Mistakes You Are Making When Hiring a Salesperson For Your Startup

Frequently Asked Questions

What experience level should I look for in an SDR hire?

Ideally, seek candidates with 1-3 years of proven SDR experience. They will have honed prospecting skills yet still be early enough in their careers to embrace startup cultures. Avoid overqualified individuals who may become disengaged.

What sales tech stack is essential for SDRs?

Arm SDRs for success with CRM, email tracking, LinkedIn tools, call recording and analytics, video messaging, virtual event platforms, and sales cadence software. Streamline lead intake and handoff between SDRs and Account Executives as well.

What compensation structure maximizes SDR performance?

Blend modest base salaries with generous performance incentives. Commission key metrics like validated leads sourced, sales booked from qualified referrals, and lead-to-opportunity conversion rates. Structure bonuses, contests, and SPIFFs around peak activation campaigns also.

How can I optimize our SDR onboarding?

Effective onboarding entails sales methodology training, shadowing top performers, layered learning reinforcement, and managerial coaching. Revisit onboarding at the 30, 60, and 90-day marks. Assess gaps, motivate with rewards, and course correct through consistent guidance.

Is there a better and faster way to hire an SDR?

Yes, partnering with a firm like Activated Scale streamlines SDR hiring by leveraging their existing talent network and recruitment infrastructure. This skips the heavy lifting of sourcing, screening, interviewing and onboarding alone.

In a Nutshell

Finding the perfect SDR to join your sales team takes time, but helping you meet essential revenue goals will pay off tremendously. By following the detailed steps discussed and keeping an open mind, the right candidate who aligns with your culture will emerge.

However, the process of sourcing, screening, interviewing, hiring, and training SDRs can be arduous for resource-constrained startups. From writing job descriptions to onboarding new hires, each step demands significant time and effort from founders and managers.

That’s why leveraging our trusted SDR recruitment and enablement program at Activated Scale is the smarter solution. We hand-select pre-vetted SDR talent to perfectly match each client’s needs. We handle writing customized job descriptions, targeted outreach, and networking to surface quality applicants. Our structured 6-week training curriculum transforms new hires into revenue-driving machines fully aligned to each startup’s offerings, processes, and culture.

Ongoing performance optimization ensures continuous skills development and motivation after onboarding as well. This full-service partnership alleviates the headaches of DIY hiring, empowering startups to scale smoothly.

Rather than navigate the intensive SDR hiring process alone, partner with the experts at Activated Scale. Our bespoke recruitment and training methodology allows startups to onboard revenue-driving SDRs faster. Turbocharge your pipeline today by contacting Activated Scale for SDR hiring support specialized to your unique startup needs. 

Activated Scale will surely accelerate your success in achieving deals faster than imagined! Hire your SDR today!

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